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How do you pronounce Resque?


My workers are getting stuck in a weird state.

Are you using newrelic_rpm? This is a known bug:

Whatever the root cause, can help you identify Resque issues coming up before it's too late.

In Addition, If you kill the resque in running state the job will be moved to failed queue with error Dirty Exit so you can retry that later with running queue.

And respect to stuck queues go to rails console and check Resque.workers for struck queues and delete using Resque.remove_worker(Resque.workers[n].id)

What's the best way to restart workers using capistrano?

With Foreman and Upstart

This may not be the best way, but it's an option. You can manage resque, and any other services your app runs, with foreman; by using upstart or init scripts on the remote server. See "Managing and monitoring your Ruby application with Foreman and Upstart" for a guide on getting Foreman running. Once that's done, here's a sample cap task to manage your processes:

namespace :foreman do
  desc "Start the application services"
  task :start, :roles => :app do
    sudo "start #{application}"

  desc "Stop the application services"
  task :stop, :roles => :app do
    sudo "stop #{application}"

  desc "Restart the application services"
  task :restart, :roles => :app do
    run "sudo start #{application} || sudo restart #{application}"

  desc "Display logs for a certain process - arg example: PROCESS=web-1"
  task :logs, :roles => :app do
    run "cd #{current_path}/log && cat #{ENV["PROCESS"]}.log"

  desc "Export the Procfile to upstart scripts"
  task :export, :roles => :app do
    # 5 resque workers, 1 resque scheduler
    run "cd #{release_path} && rvmsudo bundle exec foreman export upstart /etc/init -a #{application} -u #{user} -l #{shared_path}/log  -f #{release_path}/Procfile.production -c worker=5,scheduler=1"

Graceful Shutdown

When you write a restart task for resque, you may want to think what happens to a job running at that time. If you want to make sure the job finishes properly, you must send the QUIT signal to the existing resque worker process. This will stop the worker process gracefully.

Check out Readme and 1-x-stable Readme to learn more about how Resque workers respond to signals.

How do I ensure my Rails classes/environment is loaded?

Make sure you start your workers by specifying environment as part of your rake execution.

For example:

QUEUE=* rake environment resque:work

Some users also experience issues where Rails models are lazy-loaded in the Job execution. Due to some internal class loading wackiness, this results in LoadErrors or Uninitialized Constant exceptions. This can be solved by forcing ActiveRecord models to load, by creating a lib/tasks/resque.rake

# load the Rails app all the time
namespace :resque do
  puts "Loading Rails environment for Resque"
  task :setup => :environment do
    ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each { |klass|  klass.columns }

How do you make a Resque job wait for an ActiveRecord transaction commit?

The first way is to enqueue a job in a model's after_commit hook. But after_commit solves the problem only in the model create and update use cases.

In general, a task should be put into redis only after all transactions are complete, otherwise serious problems may appear. In order to do that use the ar_after_transaction gem, which provides an after_transaction hook whenever you need it:

ActiveRecord::Base.after_transaction do

If you want to keep the team free from worrying about transaction isolation levels, then you should monkey patch Resque.enqueue to be performed only after the transaction completes.

require 'ar_after_transaction'
require 'resque'
Resque.class_eval do
  class << self
    alias_method :enqueue_without_transaction, :enqueue
    def enqueue(*args)
      ActiveRecord::Base.after_transaction do

How do I print SQL statements in resque?

Add ActiveRecord::Base.logger = to your ruby class.

How do I override views when mounted in a rails app?

Create folder resque inside your rails/lib. Copy files *.erb to override from /gems/resque.../lib/resque/server/views. Create softlinks from your rails/lib/... to gem path. The best way is use bash script for you development machine to create this softlinks and use your deploy.rb file to create softlinks with capistrano.

Why might Resque be serving up completely blank asset files (CSS & JS)?

This is usually related to the web server configuration. Below are instructions for Apache and Nginx.


Rack uses the X-SendFile header to serve resque-web's UI assets out of the gem. Since your gem installation is typically located outside of your deployed project root and some web servers do not serve files outside of the project root by default for security reasons, you may need to tweak your Apache configuration.

  • In your Rails application, set config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile".
  • On your web server, install the XSendFile module
  • Update the appropriate Apache configuration file to enable the module and allow it to serve assets from the gem:
XSendFile on
XSendFilePath /path/to/shared/bundle

XSendFilePath allow-lists a directory from which static files are allowed to be served. This should be at least the path to where resque is installed.


In nginx.conf, remove the asset serving module location ~* .(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$

This will server the static assets of Resque.

Else we can add path to it.

How do you work around the MySQL server has gone away error ?

Rails 3.x

In your perform method, add the following line:

class MyTask
  def self.perform
    # rest of your code

The Rails doc says the following about verify_active_connections!:

Verify active connections and remove and disconnect connections associated with stale threads.

Rails 4.x

In your perform method, instead of verify_active_connections!, use:

class MyTask
  def self.perform
    # rest of your code

From the Rails docs on clear_active_connections!:

Returns any connections in use by the current thread back to the pool, and also returns connections to the pool cached by threads that are no longer alive.

How do you use redis' password?

Add the password to your

Resque.redis = => 'foo',
                         :port => 'foo',
                         :password => 'foo')

How do you protect resque-web?

Using Devise

Change your routes.rb file to authenticate your users.

  devise_for :admin_users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config
  authenticate :admin_user do #replace admin_user(s) with whatever model your users are stored in.
    mount, :at => "/jobs"

If you need to be more specific with your authentication conditions, you can include them in a :constraints block when mounting via match method.

match "/jobs" => Resque::Server, :anchor => false, :constraints => lambda { |req|
    req.env['warden'].authenticated? and req.env['warden'].user.can_view_resque?

Using Authlogic

Leverage Authlogic's Sinatra adapter, and refine the conditions under which a user should be allowed to access resque-web:

# lib/resque_admins.rb

require "authlogic/controller_adapters/sinatra_adapter"

class ResqueAdmins
  def self.matches?(request)
    Authlogic::Session::Base.controller =
    user_session = UserSession.find
    user_session && user_session.user.can_view_resque?

Add a custom constraint to your resque-web route:

# config/routes.rb
require 'resque/server'

mount, :at => "/resque", constraints: ResqueAdmins
# fall back to a default page, such as /login, if the constraint does not return `true`
get '/resque/(*all)', to: redirect(path: '/login')

How does Resque workers choose which jobs to take from multiple queues?

Check out lib/resque/worker.rb.

When a worker is initialized it's passed a list of queues, which is checks in the order that they're passed.

How can I cache resque-web static assets?

# file config/initializers/resque.rb

require 'resque/server'

# set a cache time of 1 day in seconds = 86400
module Resque
  class Server < Sinatra::Base
    set :static_cache_control, [:public, :max_age => 86400]

How Can I tell my Rails app to only use Resque in specific environments?

How can I write code for client to remove a running job in one worker(It's like a cancel feature)?